Posts Tagged ‘IndieFeed’

IndieFeed: Justin Hamm Reads “down home”

Friday, April 30th, 2010

Listen to Justin Hamm read “down home,” a selection from the March 2010 issue, here. Thanks to host and organizer Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz, as well as IndieFeed founder Wess Mongo Jolley, for helping us make these podcasts a success.

IndieFeed: Peter Richter Reads “Flower Heads and Grain”

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

Listen to Peter Richter read “Flower Heads and Grain,” another selection from our March 2010 issue, here.

IndieFeed: Jude Dillon Reads “Midnight slides upright into dawn”

Monday, April 26th, 2010

Our friends at IndieFeed: Performance Poetry are celebrating literary journals this month, and we’re glad to be the featured journal during the last week of April. First up from us is Jude Dillon reading “Midnight slides upright into dawn” from our March 2010 issue. Listen to it here.