about the author

Jackie Anne Morrill is a MFA graduate student of Sarah Lawrence College. She devotes her time thesis writing inspired by tales of sexual fetishism, pseudo-psychology and the feeding habits of forest animals. Hailing from Worcester, Massachusetts, Jackie has become a strong and welcomed voice in the Worcester poetry scene over the past few years. Her work can be seen in New Graffiti: Literature on the Streets, The Ballard Street Poetry Journal, and Amethyst Arsenic.

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Myocardial Infarction

Jackie Anne Morrill

She found him on the couch.
His head a silent bowl organ.
His hair just cut, short as a cat’s tongue bristles.
Wide-eyed, every 3 a.m. after
wore her like a cloak.
She pulled,
grasping at fabric
along her neck.
Now a thicket in her chest.
The earth around her, wrinkled
sunken as an orchard
choking on a crow.

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