about the artist

Niklas Asker was born 1979 in Nordingrå, Sweden. He has studied art at Konstskolan Kuben and Örebro Konstskola in Örebro where he graduated in 2001. After that he studied at Malmö Comics Art School and worked in the international comics scene for eight years. In that time his own graphic novel, Second Thoughts, has been published in six different languages, and he has done work for a number of different publishers, including Random House Books in New York. In 2009, he started painting again, and after being accepted into the Liljevalchs Spring Salon in 2011 and 2012 he started exhibiting regularly in Sweden and Abroad. He has also worked with public commissions, the largest one decorating a 240 m2 pedestrian tunnel in Vellinge, Sweden.

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Leap of Faith  

Niklas Asker

Leap of Faith

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