about the author

Ivy Page has been published in Cantaraville, Oak Bend Review, The November 3rd Club, Snow Monkey, The Houston Literary Review, Boston Literary Magazine, Night Train, New Plains Review, Underground Voices, The Smoking Poet, as well as work forthcoming in Foundling Review, and a book review for the New Southerner. She currently teaches a creative writing class at D Acres in Dorchester, New Hampshire, and is an Adjunct Professor of English at New Hampshire Community Technical Institute in Concord, New Hampshire, as well as teaching English for Axia College online. She is the editor and founder of OVS Magazine.

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Ivy Page

Nothing fits anymore
the car seat, the keyboard,
your hands.

Rain makes it worse.
Wood swells, air sits,
joints ache.

Language has become luggage
that separates our mouths
from kisses.

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